It was time

Like a rock by the river
Just a foot from the riverbank
Her life passing her by
Without ever participating
Her pages nothing but blank

She waits for the signs
Neither a four-leaved clover
Nor a shooting star
Nor a harmony of heavenly trumpets
Could ever convince her
That it was finally time

She’s been waiting for so long
And it’s getting too late
She knows she’s stalling
And waiting means nothing
But she’s just so scared

Steal from him

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Like still water his mind ran

Deep but slowly turning stale

He had nothing to think aloud about

He feared it being stolen away from him

So he sat all day criticizing

All the things going wrong with others’ lives

Never realizing that a flawed life

Might be better than no life at all

He never let anyone get too close

Worried they might steal from him

But he had nothing left to give

Love, hope, not even his company

He needed to take a chance on the world

So that life could ever chance upon him